Écologique sans me ruiner
a practical guide to reduce the environmental impact,
printed on Respecta 100 Satin paper
Publishing house Editions Robert Laffont of the Groupe Editis has published the book Écologique sans me ruiner by Aline Gubri.
In the form of a practical guide, with illustrations by Youlidessine, the book collects 101 tips to reduce your environmental impact while saving up to six thousand euros a year.

The book is printed on Respecta 100 Satin paper, in grammage of 300 gsm for the cover and 150 gsm for the pages.
Respecta 100 stands out for its high level of whiteness and strong opacity, and above all for the impeccable color rendering which makes it a truly high-end product. A coated woodfree paper produced entirely with "FSC Recycled Credit" certified recycled fibres, Respecta 100 ensures a reduction in emissions and the implementation of a responsible and traceable production chain.

Editis brings together forty-nine prestigious publishing houses and is particularly attentive to the issue of environmental sustainability, nowadays a crucial factor in the publishing sector.
The Group is a member of the FSC® organization, which aims to promote and ensure the sustainable management of forests around the world. Editis currently uses FSC Mix or Recycled Credit certified papers for all the Group's projects.
The Burgo Group graphic papers catalogue offers a wide range of FSC® certified papers, to meet the demands and needs of businesses and consumers who prefer to choose products from responsibly managed forests.
From the article written by Louise Tamayo (Burgo France) for GoMagazine
Image courtesy of Consommons Sainement